Tuesday 12 August 2014

Top 4 Ways to Have a Beautiful Veranda

There are many people who often get confused between a ‘veranda’ and a ‘lawn’. Although people believe that these are generally same, there is a thin line of different between the two, depending on their sizes. It is often observed that houses that have lawns are huge and bulky in appearance whereas even small houses have their extended lands (verandas). Here, we are going to talk about verandas and how can you have your own, very special and beautiful, place where you can spend hours together enjoying the freshness of sun’s rays, early morning dews, dim glow of the moonlight and even the mild fragrance of your hand-planted plants.

1)   Get rid of all the old stuff:

If you think your veranda is going to look pretty with all that old stuff that you have dumped into it, taking it as a backyard or storage space, then you are simply using the wrong term for your extended land. A space is said to be a veranda only when it looks beautiful and attracts all those who visit the house. Therefore, make sure that your veranda does not look shabby due to your dumping habits.

2)   Buy flower plants:

A little bit of nature always helps to beautify your extended land. Therefore, buy a few flower plants and place them in different corners so that there are colors, fragrance and beauty in each corner of your veranda. You can also create your special designs and place the flower plants together to make your ‘private’ extended space look prettier and better than your neighbor’s!

3)   Use search engines to get ideas:

There are hundreds of veranda ideas to help you get that perfect look for your veranda. You can also follow different people’s personal blogs so that you learn various ideas from them to be creative in enhancing the appearance of your extended space.

4)   A dining table:

Two glasses of wine, soul soothing music and light snacks to munch on – this is for you if you are a romantic person. On the other hand, a few beer bottles, hard rock music and a gang of laughing friends – this is for you if you are a party freak. But to do either of this, you do require your very own dining table and at least two to four chairs surrounding it, neatly placed in your veranda to enjoy the view with the people you adore.

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